Burbank Projects

mad thickness from Victoria BC
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Burbank Projects

since circa 2005
burbank projects is a band that you like and will dedicate your life to or we will blow up planet Earth. they formed sometime last year and played one show then got new
drummer and 2nd guitarist in december '05. they then played 5 shows over the next
3 months and there vocalist decided to call it quits due to bowel problems, just
kidding, due to other future plans? sure...
so that leaves them on a temporary hiatus to write thick songs that will make your
heart explode and underwear soggy, and audition for a new vocalist.
p.s. if interested in tryin out email @ burbankprojects@hotmail.com
( www.myspace.com/burbankprojects )
( www.myspace.com/burbankprojects )
( www.myspace.com/burbankprojects )
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Glenn Lewis
2005 - The End
Pat Harwardt
2005 - The End

Past Members

Kiel Agius
2005 - 2006
Jesse Manason
2005 - 2006
Bass / Backup Vocals
2005 - 2006
Jonney Laurent
2005 - 2006
Glenn Lawless
2005 - 2006

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