Profile Image: Renegade Band

Renegade Band

Melodic rock from Vancouver BC
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Renegade Band

since circa 1983
Renegade started in 1983 with the lineup of Sue Medley (vocals) Jim Buckshon (bass/vocals) Rob Pettigrew (guitar/vocals) Mark Gajb keyboards and Keith Sharp on drums. The band toured around BC for a year or so until singer Sue Medley left to have her tonsils removed. The group subbed in singer Steve Foster, who was a bartender in Victoria and impressed the band when he came up and sang one song. Renegade kept Foster, and changed Pettigrew to Ross Damude. That lineup eventually stopped touring later that year. Sue Medley later went on to become signed to Polygram Records.

The band was resurrected as a recording act during Buckshon's tenure in Matrex, with songs being produced with Foster on vocals, Buckshon on bass, vocals, keyboards, drum programming, Paul Minshall (Matrex) on keyboards, vocals;Terry Kellogg (Living Proof) on guitar and Kenny Geatros (Livewire/The Wires/Stiletto) also on guitar. After Buckshon quit Matrex, it soon broke up and Renegade as a touring and recording act was formed in 1987, with Geraldo Dominelli taking over guitars and Marc Gladstone, then Paul Minshall on keyboards with Rick Fedyk on drums. Foster decided to return to his native Victoria and was replaced with Marti Sippola on vocals, and Pat Steward took over drums. John Tompkins alternated on keys with Minshall.

The band recorded a number of songs that eventually released the album On the Edge (2004) on the Renegade Sounds label, distributed throughout the world. The lineup for that album was Steve Foster – Vocals, Jim Buckshon – Bass/Keyboards/Drum/Programming/Vocals, Geraldo Dominelli – Guitar/Vocals, Kenny Geatros - Guitars, Robin Leboe - guitar/ Paul Minshall – Keyboards, John Tompkins - keyboards.

The next lineup of Renegade recorded the BACK FROM THE DEAD album in 1988 (released in 2001) with Marti Sippola – Vocals Jim Buckshon, Bass, Keyboards, Drums, Programming, Vocals, Geraldo Dominelli – Guitar/Vocals, Kenny Geatros – Guitar John Tompkins – Keyboards David Steele – BG’s

Renegade is currently in pre-production for a new album with the Back From the Dead lineup.

Renegade Productions Inc.

Renegade released an EP of new songs in 2017, produced by Jim Buckshon and Geraldo Dominelli. The lineup is Jim Buckshon bass/acoustic guitar/keyboards/drum programming, Marti Sippola, vocals, Geraldo Dominelli guitars, keyboards,vocals, Paul Minshall vocals and special guest guitarist Keith Scott.
Melodic rock band with a full sound, lots of guitars, keyboards and harmonies, a driving rhythm section and a country rock feel. Honest and emotional songs capturing the story of a life.

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Current Lineup

Jim Buckshon
1983 - present

Past Members

Paul Minshall
1983 - 2004
Terry Kellogg
1983 - 2004
John Tompkins
1983 - 2004
Pat Steward
1983 - 2004
David Steele
1983 - 2004
Marti Sippola
Lead Vocals
1983 - 2004
Keith Sharp
1983 - 2004
Rob Pettigrew
1983 - 2004
Geraldo Dominelli
1983 - 2004
Sue Medley
Lead Vocals
Robin Leboe
1983 - 2004
Marc Gladstone
1983 - 2004
Kenny Geatros
1983 - 2004
Mark Gajb
1983 - 2004
Rick Fedyk
1983 - 2004
Steve Foster
Lead Vocals
1984 - 2004
Ross Damude "Rude"
1984 - 1985

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