Profile Image: Kataklysm


Grindcore from Montreal Quebec



It was 1992 when the Canada-natives clawed their way up the underground death metal ladder. With one goal and one goal only - to mercilessly spew forth only the most punishing music known to earthly ears - they combined melody with brutality into one, devastating force.

Current Lineup

Oli Beaudoin
200 - present
Jean-Francois Dagenais
1991 - present
Maurizio Iacono
1998 - present
Stephane Barbe
1998 - present

Past Members

Ariel Martinez
200 - 2010
Ariel Martinez
1990 - 1993
Maurizio Iacono
1991 - 1998
Max Duhamel
1994 - 1996
Max Duhamel
1999 - 2002
Max Duhamel
2006 - 2020

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Band Articles

LiveVan Review - Kill The Elite Tour (Kataklysm, Aborted, Archspire and Death Toll Rising at the Rickshaw Theatre)
The ‘Kill the Elite’ tour has been mercilessly trampling its way across North America, and with tonight’s show including Vancouver’s newest international extreme metal export Archspire and being headlined by Canadian legends Katakly...
Author: Rich Taylor
Published by:
Fleshgod Apocalypse, Krisiun and Kataklysm, 13th January 2014 The Underworld
With the Christmas and New Year festivities well and truly over it’s time to shake off the January blues and for our first gig of the year we are once again heading off to The Underworld in Camden. On tonight’s bill there are death metal acts from thr
Author: Jay Alexander
Published by: Scribes of Metal

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