Glenn the Bass Player

ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub from Victoria BC
Age: 47 (estimated)
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Glenn the Bass Player

Instruments: Bass details
A versatile, open-minded musician with experience playing bass in various styles of music.

Reliable and dedicated to the right band.

This guy on bass, with a good drummer, can create a solid, dynamic rhythm foundation for music that keeps 'em dancing.

* great gear.
* gigging experience at local pubs & small stages since the eighties.
* recording studio and radio experience.
* natural at writing and arranging music.
* with some work, able to nail the bass parts in covers and in originals.

Playing bass since 1984. Various genres.

Interested in performing with a Victoria-areal gigging band.

Click on the audio samples to hear his playing in songs he co-wrote.
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Past Projects

Skanky Crackdown
1999 - 2000
Buckminster Fuller
1995 - 1996
Subversion II
bass, vocals
bass, vocals
1985 - 1987

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