Profile Image: GANGLYON


tech death from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2015
Vancouver tech-death-thrash metal band, GANGLYON is an aggressive quartet that features intricate guitar riffs and deep guttural growls and screams. The scarred vocal approach, flashy, but technical guitars, clear double kicks, bold, all are crucial to ganglyon’ pulverizing sound. However, these guys have a softer side as well, often featuring melodic interludes and break downs. Their straight forward metal assault varied by these melodic sections makes for songs that are interesting and brain teasing to listen to rather than just hammering away at your ears the whole time, which is what you would expect with most tech-death-thrash metal out there. Whether it’s on recording or on stage, if you are looking for a tight, heavy, over the top, but dynamic band to mosh to, check out GANGLYON
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Current Lineup

Matthew Simmons
9 string guitar
2015 - present
Rhys Smith
2015 - present
Jon Kolot
2015 - present

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