acres of lions

Indie from Victoria BC
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acres of lions

Label: Cordova Bay
since circa 2006

Jeffrey K - Vocals/Guitar
Dan Ball - Bass
Lewis Carter - Drums
Tyson Yerex - Guitar/Keyboard/Vocals

Acres of Lions is a pop-rock band based in Victoria, BC. Their music is lyrically-driven and influenced by early 90's emo bands such as The Get Up Kids and Jimmy Eat World.

2011 marks the second year in which Acres of Lions has been selected by Music BC as one of the 'Top 20 Bands in BC', as part of the Peak Performance Project. 2011 also marks the release of the band's sophomore album, Collections.

Collections features ten brand new tracks that take the band's sound in a more pop-influenced direction. The first single, "Reaction", was mixed by legendary engineer Mike Fraser and has been added to the playlist of several radio stations across Western Canada.

Acres of Lions has already received critical acclaim with their debut album Working...

"This is definitely a band to keep on the radar!" - Exclaim! Magazine

"...they have set about becoming the West Coast's answer to Sloan."

Other highlights include music placements on television programs Degrassi and Majority Rules; performances at CMW in 2009 and 2011, JunoFest 2009 a... show more
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Current Lineup

Jeffrey Kalesnikoff
Vocals, Guitar
2006 - present
Dan Ball
2006 - present
Lewis Carter
2006 - present
Tyson Yerex
Guitar, Keys, Vocals
2007 - present

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