The Ride Theory

Rock n' Roll / Surf / Soul from Hamilton Ontario
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The Ride Theory

since circa 2001
"The Ride Theory's second album, In This City, starts at a fever pitch and never lets up...They're playing pure rock n' roll." (Graham Rockingham, Hamilton Spectator)

The Ride Theory's appreciation for the sound and feel of rock n' roll evolved into a lifestyle in the summer of 2002. Aron D'Alesio (singer/guitarist) and Noah Fralick (drummer) had been experimenting musically, in the depths of a Canadian basement. Soon, a crude yet undeniably authentic rock n' roll sound was concocted. The music further developed with the additions of guitarist, Kyle Kuchmey and bassist, John Smith. The Ride Theory's sound gained immediate local acclaim; efforts to expand their audience soon followed.

All members being well-schooled in the roots of rock n' roll, The Ride Theory naturally draws musical inspiration from the analog masterpieces in surf rock, soul, art rock, garage and beat rock. They nurture a sense of duty to evoke excitement from audiences. Their stage presence is energetic and provides a visual spectacle that intrigues and captivates crowds. The Ride Theory is proud to maintain Hamilton's rock n' roll tradition, accrediting a great deal of inspiration to their city's rich musical history. The Ride Theory's place in the Hamilton music community has allowed them to hear first-hand tales from the legendary artists of their hometown, such as: Simply Saucer, Teenage Head, Tom Wilson, Bob & Dan Lanois, & The Killjoys. The Ride Theory's latest album, "In This City," is another proud piece in Hamilton's indie-rock mosaic.

"In This City" offers songs that speak honestly, often playfully, of the blue-collared lifestyle. It is an album inspired by the unpretentious nature of Hamiltonians: a desire to express oneself, but never taking oneself too seriously. A shining example of this sentiment is on track three, 'Parking Ticket,' which couples genuine frustration with a tongue-in-cheek attitude. Recorded on reel-to-reel at Chemical Sound in Toronto, common studio to Sloan, The Rheostatics, & Death From Above 1979, "In This City" captures the raw energy of The Ride Theory's live performance.

Today, The Ride Theory continues their musical and geographical exploration, having toured Eastern Canada and Northern United States. They have shared the stage with a number of distinguished performers including: The Rheostatics, Tricky Woo, The Marble Index, Billy Talent, The Sadies, Division of Laura Lee, By Divine Right, Burning Brides, The Flashing Lights, Joel Plaskett, Arcade Fire, and The Organ. Besides nurturing a loyal and ever-growing fan base, The Ride Theory continues to earn critical acclaim:

"This is one mature and impressive listen and if given the opportunity, In This City can rival the best in the scene..." (Shain Shapiro, EXCLAIM!)

" thing is for sure: The Ride Theory knows the recipe for success." (Reg Krechowicz, The Silhouette, McMaster University)

"In This City is a solid listen from start to finish...Live, the group personifies the grit and gruff that has epitomized what Hamilton rock and roll has become known for, with a distinctly modern flair and youthful zeal that immediately endears them to audiences." (RicTaylor, View Magazine, Hamilton)

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Current Lineup

Aron D'Alesio
Lead Vocals / Guitar
2001 - present
Noah Fralick
2001 - present
Kyle Kuchmey
2001 - present
John Smith
2001 - present

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