Monkey C Interactive

Interactive Art from Victoria BC


Monkey C Interactive

Monkey C Interactive is the collaborative work of Scott Amos and David Parfit.  Together they’ve created nearly a dozen interactive installations including The Philliphone beer bottle organ (for Phillips Brewery), Pentralux: a motion-reactive LED painting wall, and the Bubble Organ.  Their projects have been displayed at The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Limbic Media, TEDx Victoria, as well as Rifflandia, Bass Coast, Victoria Film Fest, Otherworld, Spark and Resonance Festivals.  If you’ve ever experienced a playful interactive tech-based art installation in Victoria, there’s a good chance Monkey C Interactive had a hand in it. Their recent projects include a five-story-tall musical instrument in the Bastion Square Parkade, called Musical Railings, and the 20-foot-tall interactive ThinkCubes light installation at Dockside Green in Vic West.

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