Stone Sour

from Vancouver BC
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Stone Sour

Label: Roadrunner
since circa 2202
“The intensity. The drama. The emotion. The colors. The darkness. The melodies. The anger. The honesty. The drive. The new. All of the above and more.” According to Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor, those are the things that define Stone Sour’s passionately pulsing second album, Come What(ever) May (Roadrunner). Stone Sour’s first album in four years finds the band firing on all cylinders, and primed to capture the attention and the hearts of the rock ‘n roll masses.Stone Sour’s self-titled debut was twice Grammy-nominated and RIAA Certified Gold. It was an eclectic album, propelled by the band’s busy tour schedule, the contemplative smash single “Bother,” and a series of groovy, melodic metal numbers. In 2002 and 2003, Stone Sour established itself as a multi-faceted hard rock force of nature.While Taylor is one of the most recognized figures in rock music, thanks to his role as the frontman for Slipknot, a Grammy winning, multi-platinum act, Stone Sour is anything but a side project. It’s a full-time band that all members are fiercely dedicated to. Taylor spent much of 2004 and ... show more

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Corey Taylor
James Root
Josh Rand
Roy Mayorga

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