Mother Mother

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Mother Mother

The five-member modern pop band Mother Mother is creating some of the most exciting and expressive music being made in the country today. Hailing from Vancouver, Mother Mother’s diverse sound and highly regarded live show has gotten them invited to a range of venues (they played the Montreal jazz festival, and at the Virgin Music Festival shared the stage with The Killers and Hot Hot Heat!). The band has attracted favourable critical attention from mainstream to ultra-indie. The Globe and Mail gave their debut album, Touch Up, four stars and Chart Attack remarked that “listening to Mother Mother is like reading Hunter S. Thompson – you end up in a place where reality has been delightfully skewed”, an apt comparison, given the band’s quirky and eccentric style. Mother Mother is on a roll! They are currently finishing their as yet unnamed second CD (produced by Howard Redekopp of New Pornographers, Teagan & Sara and 54/40 fame), which will be coming out this summer. An irresistible mix, these guys are true originals who are redefining the outer limits of contemporary pop.
“The most exciting band coming out of Canada.” – Perez Hilton

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MOTHER MOTHER: Word From Your Mother
In the past year, Mother Mother have appeared alongside such acts as Spoon, The Killers, and Metric, and been hailed by celebrity blogger Perez Hilton as “the most exciting band coming out of Canada.” For singer Ryan Guldemond, however,...
Author: Alex Hudson
Published by: The Skinny Magazine

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