Profile Image: Tom Lang

Tom Lang

from Victoria BC
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Tom Lang

Instruments: Guitar, Piano/Keyboards, Vocals details
*Tom Lang has entertained audiences around the world with his exciting guitar playing and soulful singing. Stints as hired guitar slinger for Australia’s Jimmy Barnes, Divinyls, and demonstrator for vocal products company TC Helicon, have brought delight to thousands. Victoria, BC’s Acousticats drew a rabid fan group during their 8+ year tenure at Bartholomews and Tom has also played residencies at premium spots around Victoria such as the Bard & Banker Pub, Westin Bear Mountain and individual engagements including the Royal BC Museum and private homes. His use of subtle technology to enhance but never overpower his performances produces a professional sounding, cool and upbeat vibe in any venue. As the entertainment world slowly opens post-Covid, look for Tom playing around Victoria with the band Groove Kitchen. *Source including photo from

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Current Projects

Don Peterson and The Tone Rangers
2025 - present
Groove Kitchen
2021 - present
Shaky Ground

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Elite Beat
Sharp Edges

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