Francois Houle Tentet

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Francois Houle Tentet

François Houle Tentet/Solo
JUNE 28 Vancouver East Cultural Centre
“A spectacularly versatile clarinetist who appears to have no limitations stylistically or sonically.”—Los Angeles Times
Vancouver-based clarinetist François Houle is one of Canada’s finest musicians. Also a composer and bandleader, Houle explores the many facets of modern music—from electronic manipulation to acoustic contemporary chamber music. He has performed with Marilyn Crispell, Dave Douglas, Benoit Delbecq, Evan Parker, Joelle Leandre, and the NOW Orchestra. He has also worked with ensembles under the direction of Mauricio Kagel, Toru Takemitsu, and Iannis Xenakis. François has released more than a dozen critically acclaimed recordings including a recent CD of solo improvisations called Aerials (Drip Audio). For this special Festival performance, Houle has assembled an international all-star ensemble to play some of his new works. With Tom Varner French horn, J.P. Carter trumpet, Jesse Zubot violin, Fredrik Ljungkvist sax, Jon Ballantyne piano, Gordon Grdina guitar, Tommy Babin bass, Jeremy Berkman trombone, Dan Gaucher drums.
JUNE 27 Western Front (Solo)
JUNE 29 The Ironworks (Tom Varner/François Houle Q... show more

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