Aerie Trio

Chamber ensemble from Victoria BC
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Aerie Trio

since circa 2018
Aerie Trio combines the rich, beautiful sounds of flute, cello and piano, played by three accomplished, classical musicians. Diane Berry (flute), Maria Wang (cello) and Kathryn Le Gros (piano and clarinet) bring their love of chamber music to life with works ranging from the 18th century through to the 21st. Their passion for exploring a wide range of styles, sounds and colours has led them to create programmes that range from the warmth of a Haydn trio, to the haunting beauty of Astor Piazzolla’s Oblivion.
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Current Lineup

Diane Berry
2018 - present
Kathryn Le Gros
Piano and clarinet
2018 - present
Maria Wang
2024 - present
Maria Wang
2024 - present

Past Members

Nathan Jacklin
2018 - 2024

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