Profile Image: Kathryn Le Gros

Kathryn Le Gros

loves playing in small bands and ensembles from Victoria BC
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Kathryn Le Gros

Piano/Keyboards Professional
Clarinet Professional
Kathryn enjoys playing piano and clarinet in chamber music and other small ensembles. After graduating Wilfrid Laurier’s Bachelor of Music program with a major in two instruments, she co-founded the Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Orchestra (and was also the manager for several years). She was a regular recitalist in southern Ontario before moving to Victoria in the 1990’s. In Victoria, she has played in classical and jazz trios quartets and quintets, as well as performed with singers and other instrumentalists. Recent performances on both clarinet and piano include An Die Musik (an evening of Schubert music) and Amor (an evening of Spanish music) with Resonance, Spring Romantique with cello and singers, classical repertoire with the Aerie Trio, light jazz with Broke and Blue (featuring music of Claude Bolling) and jazz with 5 Shadez of Blue. In addition to her musical pursuits, Kathryn had successful careers in downtown management and postsecondary education before recently retiring.
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Aerie Trio
Piano and clarinet
2018 - present
on the 'hat
2018 - present
2017 - present
Broke and Blue
piano player
2016 - present

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