Profile Image: Douglas Campbell
 "Doug Campbell"

Douglas Campbell

50's - 70's classic rock, gospel, folk, country from Gibsons BC
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Douglas Campbell
"Doug Campbell"

Instruments: Bass, Guitar, Drums, Piano/Keyboards details
Douglas (Doug) is a 3rd generation resident of the Sunshine Coast, an accomplished composer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, proficient on the piano, bass guitar and drums.

He has played in a number of country, rock and gospel bands throughout the western provinces and was instrumental in forming the Williams Lake 80's glam rock band, "Matthias" as well as local Gibsons, BC, bands, "The Ruff Cut Band" & "Half Cut & The Slackers".

Doug has recorded a number of CD's for local musicians 'Maplewood Lane', 'Michelle Bruce' and the 'Coast String Fiddlers plus two of his own original gospel CD's.

He has now stepped out on his own to play 'full sound, one man band' covers of some all time favourite songs from the 50's to the 70's plus a few originals as well.
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