Photo by: Kaufmann Photography

The Meringues

Garage-punk from Kingston Ontario


The Meringues

The Meringues are the personification of ragged, unbridled energy, both on stage and in the music that they have created for their debut self-titled release. There is more than just random chaos though. There is a focused energy, enveloped around songs that possess catchy, memorable melodies and lyrical sentiments that are bitingly fierce, striking to the core of relationship dysfunction and the prevalence of self-doubt and darkness that exist within so many of us.

At the core of this Kingston, Ontario based group, described by some music industry observers as the epitome of the post-punk revival, are the duelling lead vocals of Amanda Pants and Ted Evans. They have a torrid, almost theatrically manic partnership, infused with a broiling tension that gives each stage performance a delightful unpredictability and emotional intensity that enthralls audiences.

A Meringues show is must-see, as the band tears through each song, seeming in constant danger of going off the rails.

“People always ask us if we’re a real couple … that’s for you to figure out. What you see on stage is a representation, even an exaggeration of who we are as people and as musicians. The way we act, th... show more
Available for Shows/Gigs

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Current Lineup

Amanda Pants
Ted Evans "Shook Planet"
Guitar, vocals
2016 - present

Band Articles

The Meringues serve up sassy sophomore LP
Kingston Live podcast episode 71
Published by: Kingston Live
Author: Rob Howard
The Meringues release new single with album announcement
Kingston band reveals Shambles will be first single from new LP out September 2024
Author: Rob Howard
Published by: Kingston Live

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