Profile Image: Taylor Adams

Taylor Adams

from Kingston Ontario
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Taylor Adams

Little has been written about Kingston musician and producer, Taylor Adams, although he's released an impressive amount of material over the past several years, including the full-length album, The Break of Dawn, and a parade of singles. He's certainly one Kingston artist who's continued emergence has captured our interest, and many others' too.


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Relive Spring Reverb 2023 in Photos, Including Dizzy, Zoon, Status/Non-Status and More
For the second year in a row in downtown Kingston, Spring Reverb brought a whirlwind of kinetic energy from June 1 to 4, ringing in the new month with music, mayhem and magic with its 2023 edition. We sent photographer Virginia Meeks to capture it all, an
Author: Exclaim! Staff
Published by: Exclaim! Media

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