Photo by: Virginia Meeks

Forty Seven Teeth

from Kingston Ontario
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Forty Seven Teeth

Bubblepunk three- (or maybe four-) piece, Forty Seven Teeth, literally exploded from Kingston in 2015. Members Anna Robertson, Dee Prescott, Jesse Aylesworth and Joseph Harvey released a much anticipated debut EP in October 2016, went on to play top-tier venues and festivals across Ontario—even starring in a feature film—and then vanished with a tweet in February of 2018, to the dismay of the many, many fans they'd won.

Just over four years later, on March 31, 2022, the band surprised fans by releasing a 16-song LP, Apologies. Joy!

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A Punk/Rock Matinee for International Women’s Day
An apple a day keeps the misogynists away!
Author: Virginia Meeks

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