Profile Image: Michael Broadhead

Michael Broadhead

Freelance Musician and Educator from Kingston Ontario
Age: 27


Michael Broadhead

Instruments: Bass, Guitar, Bass (Acoustic) details
I've been making music in Kingston since I was 7. I began learning the upright bass in the LEAP program at Calvin park and have been in love with playing bass ever since, and had the privilege of studying classical bass with Doug Rooks throughout high school. Since then I have completed 2 years at Humber College studying jazz, and returned to play, learn, teach, and organize. You can see me perform with Princess Towers, Piner, Funeral Lakes, Savannah Shea, Poplar and many more, from jazz to folk to musical theatre. Outside of performing, I am a member of the executive board of the Union of Professional Musicians Local 518, and an advocate for musicians' labour rights. Through advocacy, community building, education, and good music I hope to work towards building a scene free from gate-keeping, unfair pay practices, sexual harassment, addiction and discrimination. Music is care work. Musicians are organizers. Music is for everybody.
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Community Events

Current Projects

Aruna & Michael Broadhead
2023 - present
Princess Towers
2021 - present
Funeral Lakes
2021 - present
Inner Harbour Jazz
2020 - present
2019 - present

Musician Articles

Funeral Lakes explore national identity on new album
Released April 5, North American Martyrs pokes at "glorified narratives about Canadian history."
Author: Rob Howard
Published by: Kingston Live
Launching International Women's Day Week with performance of Have You Seen My Sister?
A special performance of the song suite focusing on eastern Ontario victims of gender-based violence at Kingston City Hall, Monday March 4, 2024.
Author: Aruna Antonella Handa

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