Liam Mills

Genre jumping multi-instrumentalist from Kingston Ontario
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Liam Mills

Instruments: Vocals (Rap/Hip-Hop), Guitar, Drums, Piano/Keyboards details
I grew up in a small town called Iroquois, Ontario, and eventually moved to Kingston, Ontario where I currently live. I'm a self-taught musician with no formal music training. I go by ear and what sounds good to me. I make all types of music and dabble in playing instruments (guitar, keys, drums, and more).

I started making music as a kid as an aspiring drummer, inspired by my older brothers who both played in bands. I eventually started making hip-hop beats and rapping in my late teens, and from there have grown to create all types of music combining my love for various genres. I don't like to box myself in as an artist - making music is all about the creative experience for me and less about a polished artist brand. My music grows with me and is something I'm deeply passionate about.

Music is one of my many creative outlets, and has helped me through many tough times over the years. I love collaborating with other artists and experimenting with new sounds. One of my favourite things is the challenge of starting with headphones and silence and seeing where it goes from there. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to reach out via my instagram to collaborate.
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Kingston’s Underground Creative Series: Liam Mills
The third in a series on the talented and experienced artists thriving in Kingston’s creative underground.
Author: Virginia Maria Meeks
Published by: Kingston Live

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