Billy Talent

from Toronto Ontario
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Billy Talent

Punk rock inspired countless artists over the years, so isn't it time for a band to bring that inspiration back around? Blistering with energy, Billy Talent captures the spirit, attitude, and explosiveness that first launched rock's rebel cause. Though they describe themselves as a "walking, talking Seinfeld episode," the group musically captures a pressing sense of urgency devoid of anything trite or gimmicky. Ultimately, Billy Talent is the type of band that pops as much for its melodic sensibilities as for its against-the-grain aggression.

Billy Talent's major label debut takes center stage with the same zest and zeal that earned them huge underground acclaim. For the new album, band members Benjamin Kowalewicz (vocals), Ian D'Sa (guitar), Jon Gallant (bass), and Aaron Solowoniuk (drums) worked with producer Gavin Brown to record 13 songs that underline the group's accessible melodies, distinct writing, and balanced arrangements. The brilliant "Try Honesty" whiplashes fans with striking tempo changes and fiery vocal delivery, while the somber "Nothing to Lose" employs mood and passion to inject a searing emotional tone into the dynamics. Other highlights include "The Ex" an... show more

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Ian D'Sa

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