from Vancouver BC
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EDWIN's third solo album "Better Days" is a positive, reflective album filled with heart and soul. Written while the platinum-selling singer-songwriter took a nearly four year retreat from recording and performing live, it was produced by Jeff Dalziel and engineered by Denis Tougas, the same team he worked with on his last album, "Edwin And The Pressure". Special guests on the new album include Alex Lifeson (Rush), who created some beautiful guitar textures and atmosphere on 'Light Reflects' and 'Eyes', Ian Thornley on guitar (Big Wreck), Chuck Leavell on keyboards (Rolling Stones) and Steve Vincent on bass (Tupelo Honey). The trippy 'Light Reflects' is the first song Edwin ever wrote as a solo artist back in 1997, and subject-wise it couldn't be a more fitting song for the album: "It's about how the light comes from within you and how other people will gravitate towards it" says Edwin, "and everything you've done in life has led you to the moment you're at now - every little step, every little corner, every decision you've made." And for Edwin, those steps have led to Better Days.

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