
Funktronica from Vancouver BC
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Label: 29 Records
since circa 2002
Themasses' music is a blend of infectious beats and unique progressions without formulas or rules. It's created with the live performance in mind, where the crowd is the show and the dance floor is the stage. In their mission to put some DJ's out of work, they play instrumental dance music with the dynamics and energy that could only come from a LIVE four piece band. The result is an upbeat, unpredictable, original sound that has been packing dance floors consistently for more than three years. Themasses have shared the stage with some incredible players including Animal Liberation Orchestra (ALO), Garaj Mahal, Lotus, The Herbaliser, Fareed Haque and the legendary Mike Reno (Loverboy) among many others.

Formed in 2002 beneath the dramatic landscape of Vancouver BC, Themasses have developed a large, loyal following which gets bigger and bigger with each live show. They have headlined over 120 shows including three appearances at the Vancouver International Jazz Festival, three intensive tours of Western Canada, appearances at the Evolve Festival, Come Together Music Festival, Bonfire Festival and a coast-to-coast Canadian tour where they gained hordes of new fans.

Their demo/EP... show more
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Mark Strachan
2002 - The End
Unlinked Musician
2002 - The End
Eric Stephenson
2002 - The End
Ali Siadat
2003 - The End

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