Seventh Town

Celtic fok from Prince Edward County Ontario
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Seventh Town

since 2008
Seventh Town is a Canadian acoustic Celtic folk band based in Prince Edward County, Ontario. The band features Martin Smit on guitar and vocals, Trisha Elliott on vocals and tin and low whistles, Meghan Balogh on fiddle and vocals and Fraser Hardman on bass and vocals.

Seventh Town was established in 2008 and since then has performed at concerts, historic events, Irish ceili dances, wineries, festivals and private functions throughout eastern Ontario.

Seventh Town draws its musical inspiration from traditional and contemporary folk songs, reels, and jigs from Irish, Scottish, and Canadian traditions. The Celtic band can tailor repertoire selections to fit into historic events, East coast events, and annual special events such as Robbie Burns Day and St. Patrick’s Day.

Seventh Town’s Martin and Meghan also provide fiddle and piano for Irish ceili dances in eastern Ontario, along with uilleann piper Ian Leslie, in the Seventh Town Ceili Band.
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Current Lineup

Martin Smit
Guitar, vocals
2008 - present
Trisha Elliott
Vocals, whistles
2008 - present
Meghan Balogh
Vocals, fiddle
2008 - present
Fraser Hardman
Vocals, bass
2008 - present

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