Profile Image: Kicking Horse

Kicking Horse

from Edmonton Alberta
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Kicking Horse

circa 70s
"Throwing it back to 1970 with my Band Kicking Horse from Edmonton with:
Syd Franchuk - Bass / Rod Kuffler - Drums / The Late Darrell Kittlitz - Guitar (RIP) / The Late Jeff Rommel - Keys (RIP) and myself Hank Lionhart - Lead Vocals...
Note: I am the only one Crazy enough to still be playing music with a career that spans 60 years and counting... Keep it Live Folks get out and see some live music and support your musical friends." Hank Lionhardt, January 3, 2025
Broken Up

Past Members

Syd Franchuk
Rod Kuffler
Darrell Kittlitz
Jeff Rommel

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