Profile Image: twotime


Indie Rock from Kingston Ontario
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since 2024
twotime is an indie rock band from Kingston, Ontario, bringing high-energy performances and good vibes to the stage. Formed in the summer of 2024, the band consists of four seasoned musicians from the local scene: Maxim Cameron (guitar/vocals), Haydn Tie (guitar), Saif Amer (bass), and Victor Stratton (drums). Known for their loud, unapologetic sound and undeniable stage presence, twotime is carving out their space with electrifying riffs and tight rhythms.

Known for their infectious originals, it is undeniable that it's time... to twotime!

Also, they really love Taco Bell.
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Current Lineup

Maxim Cameron
2024 - present
Victor Stratton
2024 - present
Saif Amer
2024 - present
Haydn Tye
2024 - present

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