Dave Neal

One of the top ska guitarists in Canada from Vancouver BC
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Dave Neal

Band leader for Skaboom - a high energy Vancouver ska band with the best ska horn section in the country. New CD "Now & Then" available via band website. Playing locally - check club and concert listings
I was born in England at Forest Gate hospital in London’s East End. I lived in West Ham, East Ham and Ilford with my Mum and Dad and 5 siblings before coming to Canada in 1980 with SKA band The Villains.

I started to play the guitar at 13 on my older brother Tony’s acoustic. The first songs I learnt to play were simple folk and country” guitar book” songs and progressed to the English Pop of the day - the Beatles, Stones, The Who and early Jamaican reggae. My other love at this time was Drama. Dave joined the Redbridge Youth Theatre Workshop at 15 for 4 years. The RYTW produced many plays and I co-wrote songs for a few their productions, toured Europe a couple of times. As I wasn’t a “great” actor, I often helped set up and operate the theatrical lighting.

While at Redbridge Tech College doing his “A” levels Dave joined his first band Amy Frog who played cover songs, learning the electric guitar and learning to feel comfortable on stage. Dave then joined Key Largo and s... show more

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Arrol Flyn
The Villains Calgary
Guitar / Vocals
1979 - 1986
Guitar / Vocals
1979 - 1986

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