Photo by: Darren Ho Media

Vinyl Envy

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Vinyl Envy

1717 Quadra Street Victoria BC
Hours: Mon : Closed Tuesday to Saturday : 11am - 5pm Sunday : 11am-4pm
since 2015
Vinyl Envy is an independent vinyl record store as well as an all-ages live music venue with a capacity of 80 people. We stock and host music of all styles including alt rock, jazz, blues, soul, indie, hip hop, reggae & electronica.

Our focus is celebrate local talent whenever possible but love being the host to touring bands passing through.

Since 2015, in our humble record store we have hosted over 350+ events and close to 1000 differing artists from around the world and here in the province of British Columbia. We have also been the scene of movie sets, 80's hair photoshoots and book launches.
Open / Operational
Music >> Record Store (offering local releases) Venues >> Music Venue Music >> Music Booking / Promotion Event Services >> Box Office / Ticket Outlet

Venue Specs

Venue Formatretail
Liquor LicenseNone
Has StageYes
Has Sound / LightingYes
Venue StaffingAvailable (Optional)
Other EquipmentDrum Kit

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Address1717 Quadra Street

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