Studio Robazzo

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Studio Robazzo

#F-2001 Douglas St. Victoria BC
Hours: Studio Hours are weekdays 9AM-5PM Rental hours per request.
since 2015
Besides being the leading tech-focussed multidisciplinary design studio in town, we are dedicated to hosting and fostering Victoria's up-and-coming arts scene. Our 2-storey space promotes experiences that are exciting, unique and surprising. Contact us with your event details to see if it is a good fit.
Open / Operational
Visual Arts >> Art Gallery / Sales - As Secondary Function Visual Arts >> Visual Arts Studio space Promotion & Marketing >> Graphic Design / Web Development

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Studio Robazzo Re-Thinks Modern Design
"Whether they're designing visual identities, wooden coasters or stage sets, Studio Robazzo's eco-design approach is about changing our perceptions of what's possible."
Published by: Douglas Magazine


Address2001 Douglas St.

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