Supreme Echo

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other sites: bigcartel


Supreme Echo

#102-2504 Government St, Victoria BC
Victoria record store (and label) with new & vintage LPs, 45s, tapes, CD's. Specializing in classic heavy rock, 60s-70s jazz, funk, soul, 80s metal, 70s punk & new wave, ethnic folk, hip hop, psych, prog, and much more. 20th century classics, extraordinary sounds from off the beaten path... with a passionate interest in music from the world over! From heaps of cheapos to the rare and pricey! New arrivals daily. Buy - Sell - Trade - Consign.
OPEN : TUES, WED - FRI, SAT (12-5), and by appointment.
Open / Operational
Music >> Record Store (offering local releases) Music >> Record Label / Artist Management
other sites: bigcartel

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Address2504 Government St,

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