Alive Tango Victoria

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Alive Tango Victoria

1303 Broad St. Victoria BC
Hours: Wednesdays 6-10 pm
since 2015
Alive Tango Victoria is a learning community focusing on traditional Argentine Tango. We teach, perform and practice Argentine Tango in various venues, most notably at Solwood Studios on 1303 Broad St., above Wild Coffee.

We value continuous improvement and believe that you can never get "too good" at dancing this complex, elegant and magnetic dance of love and connection.

We also organize visits from other Argentine Tango artists from across North America and Argentina to teach and perform here in Victoria, across Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island. We value traditional, close embrace, Golden Age tango and social codes, as danced in the salons of Buenos Aires. We also value versatility and diversity in our community, we often switch up our leading and following roles to encourage learning, empathy, fun and experimentation. We are queer friendly and welcome dancers of all ages and abilities.

We teach private, semi-private and group classes to help beginners grow their dance at their own pace and ability. We are also available for performances by-invitation.
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Dance >> Dance School Dance >> Social Dance Group / Club Dance >> Dance Company / Producer
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Address1303 Broad St.

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