Profile Image: NeuzTec!



NeuzTec! Festival is celebrating our sixth year in growing symbiosis of technology and multimedia including experimental sound design, theatrical arts, electroacoustic, video, noise, drone, ambient, electronica, post-rock, improvisational jazz, cinematic interpretations, and modular synthesis.

NeuzTec is an infamous cornucopia of sound, art, and multimedia with roots back to multi-hour Drone Days. In a controlled chaos, performers are revolved through the night playing shorter sets (less than 30 minutes), cross-faded into each other from two stages. Artists are challenged to set up and take down their gear in a sea of other artists and their gear doing the same. In somewhat of a theatrical dance, a behind the scenes view for all to see, NeuzTec is a spectacle for the audience as much as it is an artist sonic extravaganza.
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