Profile Image: Springer Market Square

Springer Market Square


Springer Market Square

216 Ontario Street Kingston Ontario
At the centre of downtown Kingston, adjacent to City Hall, lies the 200 year-old Springer Market Square. At any given time, it could be a farmer's market, a public patio for lounging in the sun, a skating rink, an outdoor movie theatre or a raucous live music concert.

For live music in Kingston, Springer Market Square is a prime venue for Kingston's annual Limestone City Blues Fest and Rockin' the Square, a free summer concert featuring prominent acts presented by the City of Kingston.

On August 20, 2016, thousands flocked to Springer Market Square to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and solemnly take in the live broadcast of the last-ever concert by Kingston's—and Canada's—beloved The Tragically Hip, being performed just blocks away at Leon's Centre (then K-Rock Centre).
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Address216 Ontario Street

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