Profile Image: The Grandstand

The Grandstand

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The Grandstand

1915 County Rd 22 Kingston Ontario

Soak in your surroundings during a unique concert experience.

The Grandstand is located at the MacKinnon Brothers Brewery in Bath, Ontario. This stunning open-air venue features a pavilion style timber frame stage with the brewery's hop and barley fields as a natural backdrop.

The brewery itself is set on the MacKinnon Brothers 1300 Acre bicentennial farm. This event space is another innovation in our ongoing commitment to farm based sustainability and local economic viability.
Open / Operational
Venues >> Music Venue

Venue Specs

Venue Formatoutdoor
Liquor LicenseLicensed (minors allowed)
Has StageYes
Has Sound / LightingYes

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Address1915 County Rd 22

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