Holy Cross is well known for its achievements and growth in academics, arts, athletics, technology, and faith. Holy Cross prides itself on its commitment to service. The school is able to offer an extensive and diverse curriculum. Students have an opportunity to take traditional subjects, but can also challenge themselves in the arts or technology. Students have received many awards and citations for academic success. The award plaques mounted in the gymnasium attest to the success of the Holy Cross sports teams. The Holy Cross music groups and technology students have won regional, provincial, national, and international awards. The school offers many extra-curricular activities including band, musical, dance club, Students' Council, two Specialist High Skills Majors in Information and Communications Technology and Environmental, and CICS Crusaders in Community Service. Holy Cross students and staff are proud of their accomplishments and school. The slogan, "Once a Crusader, Always a Crusader" rings true for every graduate from Holy Cross.
Below is a list of Artists and Resources in the database. We have worked hard to collect as many individuals and bands as possible, though we are certainly aware that this list is incomplete. There may be inaccuracies in the collected information. Please contact us if you find anything that needs correcting, or click the + sign at the top right of this page to add People and Resources who are missing from the listings.