Xchanges Gallery


Xchanges Gallery

#suite 6E-2333 Government Street Victoria BC
Hours: First Friday of each month, 7-9pm. Saturdays and Sundays, 11am-4 pm. Monday 7-9pm, and Wednesday & Thursday 10am-noon (life drawing).
since 1967
Xchanges is a member-driven artists’ cooperative operating a gallery and studios for practicing artists. We house nine individual and group studios, including the photography studio of Crossgrain Photographic Society. Our gallery features exhibits by S. Vancouver Island artists, an annual members exhibit, and an artist in residence (July-August). Life drawing sessions are held in the gallery on Monday evenings and Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

** Due to Covid we are now only hosting online life drawing sessions until things change. Please see our website for details.
Open / Operational
Visual Arts >> Visual Arts Organization / Society / Guild Visual Arts >> Visual Arts Studio space Visual Arts >> Art Gallery - Not-For-Profit

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The Birthday Party Paintings
The Birthday Party Paintings by Christine Clark reviewed by Debora Alanna ‘The Birthday Party Paintings' ~ 3-19 October 2014 Xchanges Gallery
Published by: Exhbit-v


Address2333 Government Street

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