McPherson Box Office

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McPherson Box Office

3 Centennial Square / Corner of Pandora Avenue and Government Street Victoria BC
The McPherson Box Office is located at the McPherson Playhouse, on the corner of Government Street and Pandora Avenue. The entrance to the box office is to the right of the main theatre entrance on Pandora Avenue.

To purchase tickets or for information, please contact the box office at 250.386.6121 or toll-free at 1.888.717.6121, or visit us online at with Select-Your-Seat and Print-At-Home options.

Box Office Hours:

10:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Saturday.

For events taking place at the theatres, the box office will remain open for one half hour after the performance start time Monday through Saturday.

For events taking place at the theatres, the box office will open 2 hours prior to the performance start time on Sundays and will remain open until one half hour after the performance start time.
Open / Operational
Event Services >> Box Office / Ticket Outlet

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Address3 Centennial Square / Corner of Pandora Avenue and Government Street

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