St. Andrews Presbyterian Church

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St. Andrews Presbyterian Church

924 Douglas Victoria BC
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (1910) was built before sound amplification technology became acceptable at public assemblies and consequently the architectural design alone had to project voice (and views) to over 500 parishioners! The sound, site lines, simple stage, wrap around balcony, cushioned pewed seating, ambiance and related music heritage and tradition has proven to be an excellent venue for Mountain Jubilee concerts.

The Jubilee's also raise awareness towards Oak Bay United Church's status as a condemned building. After an engineering report, the 1914 historic church was declared unsafe for public assembly, was closed, and has consequently been under threat of demolition for the last 13 years. Good news! The congregation of OBUC has embarked on a 3.2 million dollar Capital Campaign to re-build and save its church! One day we'll have big Ole' Mountain Jubilee's in the restored church! In the meantime the Mountain Jubilee Show audiences continue to support the campaign to save the church and thereby help "build upon and preserve a modern version of the heritage from which Mountain music grew over 100 years ago!"

The Congregation of OBUC is very thankful for financial support through YOUR drop-box donations, auction item bidding and refreshment purchases at these "fun"-raisin' benefits at St Andrews Presbyterian Church.

... Ray France
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Address924 Douglas

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