Burnside Gorge Community Centre

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Burnside Gorge Community Centre

471 Cecelia Road Victoria BC
The Burnside Gorge Community Centre is both a neighbourhood house and a recreation centre. We strive to provide family resource programs and services that respond to the needs of families in the area, such as support and counseling, family outreach and parent & tot programs. Our Youth Centre provides drop-in activities, outreach and support, and we operate three registered Out-of-School Care programs which combine in the summer as a large day camp.

As a recreation centre, we provide educational and recreational activities in a welcoming environment, such as yoga, jazzercise, hip hop dance and language courses. Visit our Recreation page or download our Activity Guide for current program info. We also offer a number of popular special events throughout the city and we are proud to be a part of this community.
Venues >> Community / Rec Centre

Venue Specs

Venue Formathall
Liquor LicenseNone
Rental Rates$65 per hour plus $15 socan fee.
Has Sound / LightingNo

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Address471 Cecelia Road

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