Vancouver International Jazz Festival

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Vancouver International Jazz Festival

295 W 7th Avenue Vancouver BC
The TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival is the largest music festival in British Columbia, winner of the Georgia Straight's Straight Choices Award for Best Festival (5 years running), and heralded as one of the leading jazz festivals in the world. Known for its innovative and adventurous programming, stellar production values, community involvement, solid fiscal management, and extraordinary volunteers (1,000+), the festival brings audiences face to face with the most exciting and creative music the world has to offer. By taking music to parks, community centres, concert halls, clubs, public plazas, and neighborhoods and streets, the Jazz Festival animates the city with over 400 concerts (including 149 free concerts) and sparks the imagination of more than 510,000 people each year! Today the TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival is one of the most acclaimed, innovative, joyous, and adventurous music celebrations in the world.
Open / Operational
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MOTHER MOTHER: Word From Your Mother
In the past year, Mother Mother have appeared alongside such acts as Spoon, The Killers, and Metric, and been hailed by celebrity blogger Perez Hilton as “the most exciting band coming out of Canada.” For singer Ryan Guldemond, however,...
Published by: The Skinny Magazine
Author: Alex Hudson
Vancouver International Jazz Festival
June 20- 29 2008 The Roundhouse Performance Centre The Ironworks (and The Cobalt, too) Very early on in The Thing’s set at the Roundhouse Performance Center on Monday, saxophonist Mats Gustafsson, bassist Ingibrigt Haker Flaten, and...
Author: Allan MacInnis
Published by: The Skinny Magazine


Address295 W 7th Avenue

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