The Sweatshop

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The Sweatshop

1945 East Hastings Vancouver BC
This venue moved, note the address. Venues >> Music Venue

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Dead Ghosts/B-Lines/Lover!
October 17 2008 Sweatshop Gallery Low-key promoters Negative Nights always set up the best shows, even if they don’t happen often enough. Seeing Lover!, out of Memphis, at the Sweatshop this weekend was more proof of NN’s ability to...
Published by: The Skinny Magazine
Author: ShannonGross
The Restarts, Fear of Tomorrow, The Rebel Spell, System Shit and Spectres
The Sweatshop, June 22nd I walked into the dimly-lit Sweatshop to catch the tail end of System Shit’s wonderfully sloppy set. Who would have thought that a punk gig would start at 7pm? Fear of Tomorrow hit the stage and began to sonica...
Published by: The Skinny Magazine
Author: Kai Tolley

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