
Live Nation

As the world’s leading live entertainment company, we are privileged to work with artists to bring their creativity to life on stages around the world. Whether it’s two hours at a packed club, or an entire weekend of sets at a festival, a live show does more than entertain. It can uplift, inspire and create a memory that lasts a lifetime.
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Live Review: Black Metal Warfare Tour
Live Review: Mayhem, Watain and Revenge, The Rickshaw Theatre, Vancouver, Jan 26th 2015. Partnering the old guard with the new for a night of total aural devastation and devilish devotion, January 2015 sees the return of legendary Norwe...
Published by: LiveVan.com
Author: Rich Taylor
GWAR Eternal: Blothar and Vulvatron on Oderus Urungus and the Persistence of GWAR
Interview with Vulvatron, Blothar, and Pustulus Maximus in Vancouver for GWAR: Eternal tour.
Author: Shane Lange
Published by: Factory Worker Media

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