Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival

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Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival

##2-Admin Office: 1609 Blanshard Victoria BC
Hours: Admin Office: 10-5, Mon - Fri
since 1986
August 21 - September 1, 2019

Intrepid Theatre's Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival is an international, unjuried, uncensored live performance festival that takes over Victoria every summer. Featuring over 50 theatre companies in 10 venues, with more than 300 performances. The festival also features free public events: Fringekids Fest in Market Square and the free celebrations and previews in Fringe Square (aka Centennial Square) that kick off the festival at The Fringe Block Party. The Fringe is an annual event in late August/early September.
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AddressAdmin Office: 1609 Blanshard

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