Enigmatica Entertainment Promotions and Empowerment (known as ENIGMATICA ENTERTAINMENT) is a refreshing Victoria based grassroots entertainment entity that specializes in the promotion and community development of arts and culture (music, dance and visual arts). Its mandate is to work in partnership with various individuals, and groups locally, nationally and abroad in order to research, expose (appropriately) and deliver arts and culture through the delivery of special events, workshops and literature. Enigmatica Entertainment is proud to be serving Victoria, the rest of Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland for 19 years and counting!
ENIGMATICA ENTERTAINMENT takes pride in its promotions. Every effort is made to tailor the production and promotion of each project so it reaches its full potential. Depending on the event or community initiative, we are willing access the resources to build in other components into a promotion such as workshops, and advance promotional literature if required or requested.
ENIGMATICA ENTERTAINMENT is also known to utilize visual artists in promotions through use of public murals and other art creation to get its messages across. No other grassroots entertainment entity on the Island promotes its events more on the street level. And we do this because we only promote and produce shows for individuals and groups we take an interest in. Therefore, we stand behind everything we promote!
Below is a list of Artists and Resources in the database. We have worked hard to collect as many individuals and bands as possible, though we are certainly aware that this list is incomplete. There may be inaccuracies in the collected information. Please contact us if you find anything that needs correcting, or click the + sign at the top right of this page to add People and Resources who are missing from the listings.