Odd Fellows Hall

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Odd Fellows Hall

1315 Douglas Srtreet Victoria BC
Welcome to The Odd Fellows-in-Victoria Blog!

Based in Victoria British Columbia Canada we are Odd Fellows and Rebekahs!

We like to be connected in community. We are part of “I.O.O.F”. Our beautiful historic Hall is located in downtown Victoria and anyone is free to visit us and/or call us to find more about us. As the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Assembly we are proudly affiliated and inextricably linked to: Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon; all lodges in BC and across Canada, our American counterpart(s) and all I.O.O.F. halls around the world. Please take the time to make contact.
Venues >> Music Venue
Unknown (needs research)

Venue Specs

Venue Formathall
Liquor LicenseNone
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Address1315 Douglas Srtreet

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