Doing No B.S. Solid All-Ages Hardcore/Punk/Metal shows in Surrey, the lower mainland and Vancouver, BC. Since 1992.
When I started going to " All Ages Shows" in 1987, things were a heck of a lot different then they are today. Back then, out of necessity, Punk bands played with Metal bands and Hardcore bands and weird bands. Everyone was friendly and cool with each other, because back then, things were different. Dangerous. Everyone was an outcast or a freak and all the music we all liked and lifestyles we led were against the grain and underground. Fast forward to present day and things have drastically changed to polar opposite in twenty four years. Small splintered sub-genre scenes are prevalent to the point of ridiculousness. I grew up on so much great music that changed my life, from Heavy Metal as kid into heavier Speed, Death Metal, Thrash, Punk, Hardcore, Rap and Hip Hop. I believe that having an open mind is important, and I want to open peoples minds to different styles again. After all, there really isn't that much that sets us all apart. We all have things to say set to loud, fast and aggressive riffs and beats. I want to once again have a unified scene. That is my goal. Unity. That is my "Known Aim".
Below is a list of Artists and Resources in the database. We have worked hard to collect as many individuals and bands as possible, though we are certainly aware that this list is incomplete. There may be inaccuracies in the collected information. Please contact us if you find anything that needs correcting, or click the + sign at the top right of this page to add People and Resources who are missing from the listings.