Event Archive:

USS, Repartee, Youngblood

Thu. February 9th 2017 Alix Goolden Performance Hall Victoria BC $30

Event Info

USS, Repartee, Youngblood

It's hard to put your thumb on Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker. Ours is admittedly a w...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. February 9th 2017 + Add to Calendar Alix Goolden Performance Hall (All Ages)
7:00pm $30.00


from St.Johns Newfoundland

Presented by:

Atomique Productions
Victoria BC
since 2000
The Zone 91.3
2750 Quadra Street Victoria BC

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Lyles Place

Event Description

It's hard to put your thumb on Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker. Ours is admittedly a world where things are constantly being examined, labeled, named, and methodically grouped neatly in one place or the other. When something comes along that won't be put under a thumb, what then? No, chaos doesn't consume the earth, but it does often leave people wondering where to place the duo with a sound that is equal parts science and art, a convergence of gentle melody and driving beat. Like a science experiment set to music, what they do melts down acoustic rock, EDM, Dub, Hip-Hop, Orchestral, and Pop transforming it into an entirely new element. It explodes, it implodes, and it is a pure chemical reaction.

Just know that if figuring out USS is your main concern, you might be waiting for a very long while. Vocalist/guitarist Ashley Boo-Schultz and hypeman/turntablist Human Kebab have always existed hanging in a sort of myth-like state, allowing the music they make together to first speak for itself, and empowering listeners to take from the sophisticated sound whatever they will. While USS is on a constant quest for meaning, the interpretation of it is largely up to you.

Read more: bit.ly/USSVICBIO



Alix Goolden Performance Hall
907 Pandora
Accessible see details
since 2000

Event Poster

USS, Repartee, Youngblood @ Alix Goolden Performance Hall Feb 9 2017 - Mar 16th @ Alix Goolden Performance Hall

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