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Jazzrelief: Edie DaPonte, Maureen Washington, Maria Manna, Susannah Adams, Karel...

Fri. May 15th 2020 Hermann's Jazz Club Victoria BC

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Moved Online - Jazzrelief: Edie DaPonte, Maureen Washington, Maria Manna, Susannah Adams, Karel Roessingh, Joey Smith

Victoria's pre-eminent jazz singers Edie Daponte (coming to you from Sidney), Ma...
Event is live streamed / online. Online Event
Fri. May 15th 2020 + Add to Calendar Hermann's Jazz Club (All Ages)
7:30pm - 8:30pm Donation Suggested: click ticket icon


Edie DaPonte
Jazz, Blues, Latin, World Music from Sidney BC
Maureen Washington
from Victoria BC
Maria Manna
Jazzy/Blues/Gospel from Victoria BC
Susannah Adams
Jazz Vocalist from Victoria BC
Joey Smith
from Victoria BC

Event Description

Victoria's pre-eminent jazz singers Edie Daponte (coming to you from Sidney), Maureen Washington (Broadmead), Maria Manna (Bear Mountain), and Susannah Adams (James Bay) perform from their homes using groundbreaking new technology in a precedent-setting concert at Hermann's online. The evening will be hosted by Karel Roessingh
(Highlands) on piano, with the inimitable Joey Smith (Gordon Head) on bass. Partial proceeds will go to the Victoria Foundation's RapidRelief Fund and to Hermann's. Gather around the computer to witness this historic event!


Hermann's Jazz Club
753 View Street
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub

Event Poster

Jazzrelief: Edie DaPonte, Maureen Washington, Maria Manna, Susannah Adams, Karel Roessingh, Joey Smith @ Hermann's Jazz Club May 15 2020 - Mar 19th @ Hermann's Jazz Club

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