Victoria's pre-eminent jazz singers Edie Daponte (coming to you from Sidney), Maureen Washington (Broadmead), Maria Manna (Bear Mountain), and Susannah Adams (James Bay) perform from their homes using groundbreaking new technology in a precedent-setting concert at Hermann's online. The evening will be hosted by Karel Roessingh
(Highlands) on piano, with the inimitable Joey Smith (Gordon Head) on bass. Partial proceeds will go to the Victoria Foundation's RapidRelief Fund and to Hermann's. Gather around the computer to witness this historic event!
Below is a list of Artists and Resources in the database. We have worked hard to collect as many individuals and bands as possible, though we are certainly aware that this list is incomplete. There may be inaccuracies in the collected information. Please contact us if you find anything that needs correcting, or click the + sign at the top right of this page to add People and Resources who are missing from the listings.