Monach - "Everything's Alright" A BlankTV World Premiere! -

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Monach - "Everything's Alright" A BlankTV World Premiere!

Artist City, State, Country: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Artist Bio: Monach is a band challenging listeners with their dance worthy punk and honest lyrics. Emotion, energy, highs and lows have all culminated into a performance that is best seen with your own eyes and best heard with your own ears.

Director Name: Justin Holland


Song Lyrics: "Everything's Alright"

I've been going out of my mind - you're speaking low in the next room.
When I see you, there's no light, just a shadow wearing your skin
What doesn't kill me knows more about me than I am comfortable living with
What doesn't kill me speaks so sweet, and sickly, I'm conditioned to believe it and I'm falling apart
So go on, oh, go on,
Go on and tell me everything's alright
You're spitting flowers. You're smiling right
But all I'm feeling are teeth and thorns. (It keeps me up at night)
What doesn't kill me knows more about me than I am comfortable living with
What doesn't kill me speaks so sweet, and sickly, I'm conditioned to believe it. man, I'm falling apart
Go go on, oh, go on,
Go on and tell me everything's alright
So go on, oh, go on,
Go on and tell me everything's alright
Everything's alright

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In this Video Artist(s) Monach
Posted: May. 2, 2023 via

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